World Teachers Day 2022: “The transformation of education begins with teachers.”

True teachers use themselves as bridges, over which they invite their students to cross. Then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

How can you describe your teachers if asked?  Most of us have grown looking up to our teachers, as mentors and heroes. Indeed, the influence of a good teacher can never be erased. From nurturing our minds to instilling knowledge and encouraging us to achieve our dreams, teachers deserve all the respect and recognition we can possibly give. We can all agree that it is impossible to remember our education, without the thought of our teachers in it. Most teachers have dedicated themselves to working beyond the expected. A good teacher is not only one who meets the present needs of a child, but also one who sees the dreams of every child’s future.

As easy as it may seem, teaching is an art that requires a lot of self-dedication, empathy and understanding. Just like any other field, it has its own share of challenges, the major one being how to balance diverse learning needs. Students have different learning needs and satisfying all of them in the same way while sticking to a particular curriculum can be difficult. Additionally, adopting to current education trends, lots of paperwork and extended working hours just to mention but a few, are among the many challenges faced by teachers.

World Teachers day is celebrated every year on the 5th of October to recognize all teachers around the globe.  It is a day to acknowledge how teachers are transforming education and to also motivate them to keep up the good work. It ensures the standards, rights, and responsibilities of teachers across the globe, concerning matters such as employment, working conditions, initial training, and continuous education. The theme for the 2022 World Teachers’ Day  is “The transformation of education begins with teachers”. As stakeholders, we are urged to honor teaching as a profession and highlight current issues affecting teachers. “Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions.” Unkown  

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