“Justice, then, is not dependent upon the law. That a society does not outlaw an activity does not mean that the activity is just. The more we act for the common good, by being inclusive and letting others speak for themselves, the more we can learn about the people whom we ought to become.”
-James Keenan SJ
In October 2021, the world was enthralled by the dramatic manhunt of 55-year old Chinese, Ou Jinzhong who had been accused of murdering his 78-year old neighbor and his daughter in-law. While murder is a serious offence in China that carries the death penalty, Jinzhong’s case evoked deep seated feelings. Jinzhong received sympathy and support from the public when it emerged that he was a humanitarian who had received unfair treatment from his neighbours, the police, the local government and authorities, and led him and his mother to being homeless for five years.
Jinzhong died from suicide. Shortly after, his social media account vanished and together with it all the accounts of his tribulations with his neighbor and authorities. An outpour of grief and demand of justice flooded social media from all four corners of the world. His case was not unique, and it resonated deeply with the society.
“Social justice” is not a new terminology. It has been found in historical documentation as far back as the 18th century, with concepts in the writings of Plato, Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. It not only refers to the concept of fairness, but also its manifestation within society. In Jinzhong’s case it was clear that his inability to access justice from the very people entrusted with it, had devastating consequences in the end.

When people do not have equitable access to resources, millions go hungry, many more remain illiterate, are homeless and die from preventable or manageable sickness. Injustice grows when we let it go unnoticed.
Every year on 20th February, the world comes together in recognition of the fight for social justice. It is our sole responsibility to look out for our brothers and sisters. This is a wakeup call to society to educate ourselves about the ills and consequences of injustice, spread the word,volunteer in organizations and take part in activities aimed at promoting justice in society.
At Transolution Services, our Corporate Social Responsibility has incorporated various social justice programs in the form of inclusion and societal projects. We endeavor to continue playing our role within the community because we understand that change can only happen if we each play our role.