Safe Spaces for Youth

International Youth Day (IYD) is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. It is celebrated every year on the 12th of August.

According to the UN and the World Bank, a person is considered a youth if they are between the ages of 15-24 years old but the AU defines a youth to be between the ages of 15-35 years old. The theme for the 2018 International Youth Day is ‘Safe Spaces for Youth’.

According to the United Nations, the youth need safe spaces where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interests, participate in decision making processes and freely express themselves.

While there are many types of spaces, safe spaces ensure the dignity and safety of youths specifically.

Safe spaces such as civic spaces enable youth to engage in governance issues; public spaces afford youth the opportunity to participate in sports and other leisure activities in the community; digital spaces help youth interact virtually across borders with everyone; and well planned physical spaces can help accommodate the needs of diverse youth especially those vulnerable to marginalization or violence.

At Transolution Services, we provide a safe space by providing inclusivity, training in self-awareness especially tailored for young people.

At Transolution Services, we provide a safe space for inclusivity, respect and improvement. Designed for 2 specific groups, our training programs focus on self-awareness and understanding, self-management, emotional intelligence, career, entrepreneurship and leadership. We create a space that enable young people to converse freely regardless of background or social status. We care, we listen, we transform.

Happy International Youth Day!

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